2020 was a bumper year for the criminals due to the COVID-19 disruption. As a result, many people have suddenly found themselves working from home (WFH).

Criminals thrive on disruption and uncertainty and the ongoing COVID-19 situation provides a profusion of both, creating “a perfect storm for fraud.” 

At the end of 2020, SNG Grant Thornton SA in collaboration with Grant Thornton Botswana surveyed key people in Sub-Saharan Africa to find out what their experiences were in 2020, and what they feel 2021 holds in store for them relating to fraud risk.  

Antonio Pooe, a Director and head of Forensics at SNG Grant Thornton, along with Mario Fazekas, a Senior Manager in the Forensics team, will take you through the results of the survey, looking back at 2020 and ahead to 2021 and beyond, and provide suggested mitigations to this growing fraud threat.

Our speakers
Kalyanaraman Vijay Managing Partner and Head of Advisory - Grant Thornton, Botswana
Arindam Ghosh Director, Advisory - Grant Thornton, Botswana
Dr Antonio Pooe Director and Head of Forensics - SNG Grant Thornton, South Africa
Mario Fazekas Senior Manager, Forensics - SNG Grant Thornton, South Africa

Session Times

10h00 - 11h00 (CAT)


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